Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Let’s all just take a moment to realize that 2013 is alllllmost over.


Okay. Now that we’ve done that…here’s the obligatory “end of year, what have I done with my life” post.

The first big milestone of my year (that you guys might actually be interested in) is that I reached my reading goal and have thus far read 53 books during 2013. Yay! Confetti cannons! I might move my goal up to 60 books in 2014, just to challenge myself, but I suppose we’ll see. Yes, these are the thoughts that crowd my brain during the waking hours of the day.

I can’t really decide if 2013 was a great year or a sort of crappy one. For the sake of optimism, we’ll say it was pretty a’ight. I decided, near the beginning of the year, to start a list of things I’ve learned in 2013, so that when the end of the year came around, I wouldn’t think myself to be a complete failure. (just a slight one) I sort of forgot about the list somewhere around September, but whatever. Here it is, the list of Everything I Learned in 2013. Well, not everything. I can’t remember everything I learned, and also that would be boring, and also I just don’t feel like bleeding my entire life out onto the World Wide Web, ya feel me?


What I Learned in 2013

  • Pop music…isn’t actually all terrible. Some of it is kind of cool.
  • Never ever ever take for granted anything. I mean, it’s hard to always appreciate every single little thing in your life, but when you’ve got a good thing, appreciate it. Cuz it might not stay there forevah and evah.
  • Hugh Jackman is an extraordinary human being. (Didn’t see that one coming, hmm?)
  • Sometimes I can bake things. For realsies bake things.
  • Mattresses must always be appreciated.
  • Jeepers I own a lot of crap.
  • Some, by which I mean most, children’s books are severely disturbing, if you stop to think about them for too long.
  • Take advantage of good smells when you can and never let a mouse die in your bedroom vent.
  • Take risks. Live life outrageously. Without being stupid, obviously. Because that would just be…stupid.
  • In that same vein, don’t limit yourself. Try new stuff. Like new food. And new music. You might even like some of it.
  • Never be afraid to BELT YOUR FACE OFF.
  • Public school is stupid.
  • And most of the people in public school are stupid, too.
  • So are most of the people on Facebook, incidentally.
  • But there are also really cool people in the world, like people who do theater and people who fangirl with you and people who give you food and people who cuddle with you and people who are tall. Those people make the other crappypants people easier to tolerate. So there.
  • Backbending is all fun and games until you accidentally sort of pull a muscle in your back and it hurts a lot. Don’t do that.
  • Candy Crush may be one of the most inane and addicting games I’ve ever experienced. But it’s so fun.
  • Ice. Ice is also addicting.
  • I wanna be in a band and travel the world when I grow up. (Along with the million other teenage girls who long for the exact same thing.)

I’m sure I missed a few million other things, but yeah, no, I can’t remember everything.

All the same…I hope you (whoever is actually reading this) have had a splendid 2013 and that your 2014 is pretty fudging sweet. 2013 was my self-titled Year of Achievement. 2014 is going to be my YOLO: Year Of Living Outrageously. Should be lots of fun.


Happy December, everybody. Happy Thanksgiving, happy winter, happy end-of-Nano. Yeah, I did Nano this year. Yeah, I gave up about halfway through. Yeah, I lost.

Yeah, I’m rather ashamed. I mean, I wrote 73,000 words the first time I even attempted Nano. (Of course, back then I was young and unafraid. And dreams were made and used and WASTED.) This year I only wrote a meager 24,000 words before my mind dried up and my ideas fell into the sewer of abandonment. So yes, I’m rather ashamed. But, the thing is, I’m not nearly as angry as I might have been in previous years. See, this year I decided to take a more relaxed approach to Nano (er, well, actually, I meant to plan for Nano a lot earlier, but stuff kept getting in my way. The internet, for example?) So I ended up barely figuring out my plot and a few characters before November 1st arrived. Oh, and a calendar. I made a calendar for myself, which took up most of the time I would have been otherwise planning. I’m very good at distracting myself when I feel like it. The problem is, though, I’m more of a planner by nature, really, at least in the realm of noveling. So I was a little bit lost, but still trudged ahead, determined to write every day until the word count bar read 50,000.

That worked for the first bit of November, but it became increasingly harder to reach my daily word count goal. Every day I would fall a little more behind, and then a little bit more, and soon I was looking at about 5,000 words that I needed to write in one day. It was about then that I threw in the towel, which is evident by my stats:

NaNo Stats 2013


It probably didn’t help that every night instead of diligently writing my 1667 words, I kept getting distracted by things like my friends (thanks, guys), Candy Crush, and other various pursuits. Or at least that’s what I told myself. In reality, I was sort of just using those things as an excuse for my not writing. This Nano, it was just plain difficult to get the words out. I dug myself holes and didn’t feel like getting out of them.

Writing is like a muscle. I’ve heard that more times than I can count on both my hands. To become a better writer, you have to write regularly. Otherwise, your little writing muscle gets old and stiff and doesn’t work very well anymore. That’s common sense, more or less. I know this. I just never put it into practice, because I don’t have much motivation.

Nano is a good remedy for my lazy writer syndrome, or at least it was, until this year. This year my un-motivation seeped into the days of Nano, and soon I didn’t feel like putting the effort in to write more words. Like, what’s the point?

That’s basically how I lost both Nano and my dignity at the same time.

I haven’t yet figured out a cure for my lack of motivation. Lately, I haven’t been motivating myself to do anything at all, which is a little frightening. I haven’t been doing the things which I love–writing, reading, photography, photo editing, the list goes on–in fact, I haven’t been doing much at all. And now that snow has started falling (on my blog, too! Aren’t the little flakes pretty?) and the daylight hours are shorter and the temperatures are dropping consistently, my motivation hasn’t exactly been increasing. Winter is pretty, fo sho. But it’s dark and stuff. And cold. I don’t like cold. So winter sort of just makes me want to wrap up in a couple thousand blankets and fall asleep for a couple thousand years. It certainly doesn’t make me want to do anything of value.

NEVERTHELESS. I’m gonna try. I’m gonna try reallllllly hard to start being a Person Who Does Things. Perhaps not primarily writing, though I do want to start writing again for reals. But I want to start taking advantage of the free time I get, and using it to do stuff that makes me happy. Because I don’t want my entire freaking life to end up like this year’s Nano did–abandoned in favor of doing nothing. I really don’t want to live like that. So, CHANGE. MOTIVATION. HAPPINESS. Or the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, rather.

Wish me luck, friends. Wish me lots of luck.


One year ago today, I started this weird little blog. And while I haven’t been a diligent poster (especially as of late), I’ve managed not to abandon it. That’s a big thing. Soooooooo happy anniversary to me and also this blog. Yayz.

In honor of this momentous milestone, I’ve decided to change up my blog a little bit. Hitherto this day, I’ve written about a fair amount of subjects. Mainly, however, I’ve focused on stuff like books and writing and movies. While I love all three of those, of late I really haven’t been hit by inspiration on any of those fronts. So I’m just going to start writing stuff. Thoughts, and crap like that. Because A) it might help me on the posting-more front (but no promises, as always) and B) I have lots of thoughts, and writing has always been a good way for me to express my thoughts in a coherent manner. This isn’t a huge change, but the spectrum of my blogging topics will be probably expanding in the future. Just so ya know.

If you’ve made it this far…Wow. You rock. No seriously, dude, I like you. And now I’m too tired and hungry to proofread this post, so I’m sure it’s very confusing. Props to you, anyhow.

See you when I see you.

Or is this just fantasy?

Yeah, I’m blogging, peeps. This feels so weird.

A lot has happened since I last blogged more than a month ago. So much has happened that I simply wasted time on Facebook couldn’t find time to blog! Such problems, I know.

And now it’s September-almost-October. The sun goes down earlier in the evening, the days are chillier, and there are little pops of color on some of the trees. Not to mention that people are getting ready for Halloween. Pssh, Halloween. I’m getting ready for Nano.

At the beginning of the year, I started a challenge to read 50 books during 2013. I also started Erin’s Epic Reading Challenge, in which I challenged myself to read specific books within 2013. Now that it’s September (WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN TELL ME PLEASE THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE), I figured I would post an update on how I’m doing with Erin’s challenge. So. Here goes. Yeah.

  • Everlost, by Neal Shusterman. Haven’t read–I’m not sure I will by the end of the year, either. It’s not high on my to-read list right now. Oh well.
  • Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins. Read! It was just as spectacular as I remembered it to be, and I might read it again before the movie is released. (Which I’m extremely excited about. The movie, that is.) 5/5 stars for sure.
  • Les Misérables, by Victor Hugo. Haven’t read–Excuse me while I roll around on the floor, laughing until I puke. I didn’t even start it yet. And given that it will probably take me about a year to finish it…I’m not sure I’ll finish this one by 2014, either. I sort of missed the Les Mis Summer Reading Binge I had planned, due to unforeseen circumstances. (like my social life, for example.)
  • How to Save a Life, by Sara Zarr. Read! Aw, yeah! It was a really beautiful novel, and I’m so glad I read it. 5/5 stars.
  • The Percy Jackson series, by Rick Riordan. Read! This series is so fun, it just makes my day. I read these books a long time ago, though, so I can’t recall my specific reactions to them. They’re pretty great, though. 4/5 stars overall.
  • The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. Read! This book is just so good. I’ve never been one for historical fiction, or the era in which The Help takes place, but this book was written so amazingly well that I couldn’t help but love it. Read it, everybody. 5/5 stars.
  • DragonQuest, by Donita K. Paul. Haven’t read–Ha. Ha. I completely forgot that this book even existed. Or that I had challenged myself to read it this year. Chances are I won’t get to it before 2014, either. Meh.
  • Ship Breaker, by Paolo Bacigalupi. Haven’t read–With all good luck, I might finish this before the end of the year. But there are a lot of books that I’d like to read before this one, so it might not happen. I’d still like to reread it sometime, though, if not in 2013.
  • Scarlet, by Marissa Meyer. Read! IT WAS SO AWESOME. I love Scarlet. And Wolf. And Scarlet+Wolf. Oh, and Cinder/Kai are all right, too, I suppose. (I’m kidding, I love them both…but I love Scarlet and Wolf more, that’s all.) Now I’m eagerly anticipated Cress, which is expected to be published February 4th, 2014.

So all in all, my reading challenge has been pretty successful. Except for a few books, but that’s irrelevant.

I’m hoping to publish posts more frequently in the coming days, but as y’all know, my Blogging Hopes mean next to nothing. I’m probably going to widen my blogging horizons, however. I mean, I can’t always blog about books and writing (no matter how epic both of those pursuits are). So you can expect a variety of posts soon. Or not soon. Whatever.

See you when I see you.


Dear Weather

As always, click to enlarge.

Thank you, nevillegirl, for enlightening me to these wonderful means of communication!

That is all.

Today is a very special day.

Today is the day I finished my geometry book.

Let's Party


Yeah! In honor of this festive occasion, I wrote a poem. Rather, an ode. To geometry. (Hence the post title.)

Ode to Geometry

 Math is always useful

At least, that’s what they say

And while numbers are a nice tool

Some things are not meant to stay

Let’s use trig as an example

Lovely stuff; sin, cos, and tan

They sound smart and quite substantial

But what use are they to man?

They just wallow in the corner

They serve no important cause

Yet we all must bear their evil

Or let our schooling forever pause

3D coordinate planes

That’s another major deal

2D is good enough

It almost echoes movies here!

We don’t need another number

We don’t need another line

We don’t need added confusion

 x and y alone are fine

However, those two problems

Do nothing to compare

With the horrors known as proofs

I hardly want to venture there

Why can’t we accept

That these theorems are all true?

Why make us, the deprived students

Prove all these things to you?

It must be a torture instrument

Created for our pain

So that we’re utterly confused

And nearly tear out all our brains

So now that I have finished

This treatise of protests

I can make this statement firmly

I can definitely attest

That geometry is torment

It’s a plague unjustified

If you haven’t yet endured it—

I will pray that you survive

But I can say at last

The end is finally here

So goodbye, Saxon Geometry

I won’t see you next year!

So, in conclusion, thank you, geometry, for making my school year awful. (Well, my school year wasn’t REALLY AWFUL, but the geometry part certainly was.) I’m so glad it’s over.

And now a question for y’all: What is your opinion of math (geometry in particular)? Love it or hate it?

Well, then, I’m off to celebrate. BYE, Y’ALL. SEE YOU WHEN I SEE YOU.

Let me tell you a little story, y’all.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far, away, Mom and I were driving home. We crested the top of our abnormally steep driveway, and were met with the sight of…horses. At least a dozen of them. Grazing in our backyard. Like they owned the place.

Now, this isn’t such a strange occurrence, because our next-door neighbors have a herd of Arabian horses that live in a pasture right by us. We stare at them all day (the horses, not the people). But in our yard? That’s a completely different scenario.

I can tell that you’re shaking your head in disbelief. So, two things:

  1. Please stop shaking your head. You could dislodge your brain.
  2. Lookee here:019


…This is legit, peeps. The situation was made even more hilarious by the fact that all of the horses were just peacefully grazing. Not stampeding or any of that crap (which is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear, “The horses have gotten loose!” Be honest. Most everybody thinks that instinctively.). I was laughing the entire time I was taking pictures of the cute little horsies. (Side note: aren’t they beautiful? :))

So anyway, this whole scenario was so funny that I absolutely had to share it with y’all. This is certainly country living at its utmost.

As for a moral of the story…uh…how ’bout…Crazy things happen. Embrace the moment. And take pictures of everything. Y’all. How’s that?

But anyways, see ya.

I’m not a baker. Y’all probably make tiramisu and crepes and stuff every other day, but me? Nope.

Therefore, when I set out to make cream puffs yesterday, I was quite apprehensive. I’m wonderful at baking brownies from the mix, but geez, cream puffs are HARDCORE.

Here are the humble beginnings:

Guess what, guys? I hate dealing with boiling water. Or actually anything involving a stove top. I survived, though. Somehow.

After I got that whipped up, I plopped the dough onto a baking sheet and mixed a little glaze thingy that I got to brush over the dough with a pastry brush! A pastry brush, people. This is real stuff here.


It was so fun.

After covering the dough pieces completely, I ended up with this:


They look kind of gross, don’t they? (The dough didn’t taste very good, either, but that was to be expected. So I was told.)

Then…disaster struck.

I was going about my merry way, waiting for the oven to preheat, and then there’s this big POP sound, emanating from the oven. Mom opens the door to investigate, and we are greeted with the sight of a flaming oven heating element. You know, the thing that looks like a big black coil at the bottom of the oven? The thing that heats up and makes the oven an oven? Half of it was all lit up orange, and the other half was black. After further investigation, we Mom determined that half of the heating element had broken. How does that even happen? And more importantly, would the cream puffs that I was so laboriously laboring over go to waste?

No. They wouldn’t. Apparently there was enough heat retained in the functioning half of the heating element that the cream puffs could still bake. Phew. (It was a little anticlimactic, though.)

So I stuck the pan into the oven, and…waited.


It was agony. Agony! Far more painful than yours. (Name that quote, and I shall give you a virtual bag of Starbursts.)

Obviously, I got over my agony, because I forgot to take pictures when the puffs came out of the oven. Oops.

I decided not to make the cream yesterday. I’m not quite sure why. But I made it today. The recipe involves beating up a bit of heavy whipping cream, and to be truthful, I was terrified. See, this one time, Mom was beating heavy whipping cream and she accidentally beat it for too long. We thought it would still taste all right, but in reality, it was the most awful thing I’ve ever, ever, ever eaten. I almost puked MOVING ON. This time, it turned out. See for yourselves:


Don’t you wish you could eat it? *evil cackle*

Unfortunately, I had forgotten to put the puff part of the cream puffs onto a wire rack to cool yesterday. So they ended up looking like this:


So, not completely appetizing. But they looked a million times better once I filled one with cream and ate a delicious lunch snack.

After eating it (and enjoying every minute of it), I decided that maybe baking isn’t so bad after all. I’m still not a culinary genius (I’m not sure if that’s even an actual possibility for me, at any point, anywhere, in my life), but I’m not a crappy baker as I have always feared. Hallelujah.


Alleluia PRAISE JESUS. I’m feeling very caps-lock-y today, because…It’s Easter. Which means it’s not Lent. Which means I get to eat SWEET THINGS. Like Snickers and chocolate eggs and Mike&Ike’s and Peeps. And everything in my Easter basket.


Look what I found in the cupboard!

Oh, happy day. Chocolate. Candy. Wondrousness.

But, of course, Easter isn’t about candy! Easter is about happy things. Well, a happy thing: Jesus rising from the dead (like a ninja. Jesus is actually way more epic than a ninja). It’s the happiest day of the year. Alleluia.

So. Have a happy Easter! YAYYYYYYYY.

Yesterday I decided to find pictures and make a collage of things I like. It was rather fun, and I’ve decided to share the results with you here, so that we all can get to know each other better.

That sentence made me sound like a psychiatrist. EEP.

Anyways, here it is:

All About Me_pixlr


Yes, it’s all rather random, but it’s all ME. If you’re still interested, here’s the explanation, picture-by-picture (going around in a counterclockwise direction from the top lefthand corner) (But first we must address the center picture):

  1. The insanity rainbow thingamajigger: Insanity is the word that best describes me, so when my equally insane friend Erin showed me this picture…I realized it explained my life. ISN’T IT GORGEOUS? It’s gorgeous.
  2. When I was little, pandas were my favorite animal. I don’t know exactly why, but I still like pandas. And baby pandas are adorable. This is like a little piece of my childhood.
  3. OM NOM NOM. Chocolate. I am one of those people who…well…has an addiction to chocolate. It’s wonderful. And that picture just makes me crave it more. Unfortunately, I gave up sweets for Lent. Only 14 days until Easter…(and yes, I do have a countdown calendar. I’m just cool like that. :)).
  4. I fangirl over a surprising amount of people. Hugh Jackman is one of these people. ‘Nuff said.
  5. This is my camera! Well, it’s actually the picture of my camera from the Nikon website, but it’s my camera, all the same. I love photography. Without my camera, it would be extremely difficult to take pictures. Therefore, I love my camera. Duh, guys.
  6. MEHAHAHAHA. I like Mario Kart Wii. And Koopa Troopa is just so darn adorable I couldn’t resist adding him to my collage (instead of the not-so-adorable Mario).
  7. I’m a fan of Lindsey Stirling, which explains this picture. But it also goes deeper and shows my love of music in general. Music is awesome, and Lindsey’s music is even more awesome.
  8. I am a self-proclaimed Panemaniac. I went to the Hunger Games midnight premiere in 2012, and (hopefully!) I’ll be going to the Catching Fire premiere. I’ve read the books four times each and am a semi-geek about the whole franchise. (When my sister gave me a legit mockingjay pin for Christmas, I kind of freaked out and screamed and stuff.)
  9. I am also a Les Mis fan. I constantly belt the songs at the top of my lungs (which my mother can attest to), and attend live performances whenever possible. Do you hear the people sing?
  10. I have an infatuation with sponges. I have absolutely no idea why (I’m just a texture person in general, so that could explain it), but I love them to death. I occasionally proclaim the need to scrub the kitchen floor with a sponge. This makes my mom very happy. But really, who couldn’t love these beautiful, colorful sponges?
  11. Although I still like Hugh Jackman more, I also fangirl over Robert Downey Jr. He’s an excellent actor, as well, so there’s that. Also, he is the first American I’ve seen to flawlessly execute a British accent (which he did in the Sherlock Holmes movies). That’s big. That’s HUGE. That’s AWESOMESAUCE.
  12. I also have an infatuation with felt guards. Perhaps you’ve never heard of them. They’re little circular orbs (look at the picture!) which you stick on the bottom of chairs and stools so that the chair/stool doesn’t scratch the floor. I stuck one on my nightstand, and another on the underside of the kitchen table so I could have access to one virtually all the time. Their texture is just so delectable. Figuratively.
  13. I don’t take dance lessons, but I love dancing. Hence, this picture. I don’t dance ballet, but I would love to own green or blue ballet slippers. Or orange.
  14. As well as taking pictures, I like editing them on [free] photo editing sites. I am one of those people who doesn’t have Photoshop. Therefore, I have to make do with what I have. In this case, there’s a wealth of supplies available. PicMonkey is one of my favorites for photo editing. (So is Pixlr, but the PicMonkey logo looks cooler, okay?)
  15. I’m a ninja. Duh, guys.
  16. Inspector Javert is kick-butt. Yes, I am fascinated with most villains, and Javert is certainly not an exception. He’s. Just. So. EPIC.
  17. Microsoft Office 2010 is boss. I heart it muchly.

That’s it. Everything you need to know about me, in collage form. I’ll also be posting this on my About page, simply because it expresses my favorite things. Yay.

Side note: if you, random person, greatly enjoy two or more of the items on this collage, I will probably like you. Just saying.

That’s all for today, folks! See you when I see you.


So many feels right now. You can anticipate a lengthy, fairly emotional post from me after more info has been released.


So, there’s this contest that Lindsey Stirling is hosting (if you don’t know who Lindsey Stirling is…A) That is a sin B) Go look her up right now C) Three words: dancing hip-hop violinist). Basically you cover one of her original songs and post it on YouTube. Then she’ll pick a winner. Simple, right?

About two weeks ago, when the contest started, I didn’t bother looking into it. But then this Thursday, I suddenly got it into my head that I NEED TO SUBMIT A COVER TO THIS CONTEST.

Because of this semi-harebrained idea, I spent three days learning, recording, and filming a video to submit. It was intensely crazy. In the best way possible. I decided to make a cover of her song ‘Elements.’

And this is the end result:

As I mentioned in the video description, I absolutely could not have accomplished this feat without my spectacularific mom. She didn’t even blink when I informed her Thursday morning that I had decided to make a cover before Monday. She filmed for me and let me rehearse the piano at 11:30pm. In short, she’s kind of an epic ninja mom. I can’t thank her enough. :)

Let me know in the comments what you think of my video! I would love to hear your opinions–however, please keep all of your comments courteous and nice (I’m human just like everybody else :)).

So….See you when I see you.

Good Things Come to Those Who Are Bored In History Class..

Hailing from my awesome friend Erin’s blog, this post is awesome. Kilian is awesome. So there.

So there’s this award I received which has now sort of just turned into a question free-for-all in the blogverse. My friend Erin (who I mention in 75% of my posts, but she’s awesome, so deal with it), who received the award as well, came up with so many awesome questions that I can’t help but answer them. I know, this is sort of like cheating, but what can I say? I love questions. And now I don’t need to think of a topic to post on, so, lookee there. My job was just made that much easier.

Here we go!

1) What is your favorite book cover? There are so many. I’ll try to narrow it down to my top five. I can’t choose my absolute favorite. Sorry.


Something about the rainbow spectrum absolutely captivates me. Also, the math-equation-ness of the title is so geeky, it's awesome.

Something about the rainbow spectrum absolutely captivates me. Also, the math-equation-ness of the title is so geeky, it’s awesome.


Outside In

JUST LOOK AT IT. It's gorgeous.

JUST LOOK AT IT. It’s gorgeous.

2) Favorite movie poster? I really like Catching Fire teaser poster.

Catching Fire Teaser

Or the Dark Knight Rises poster:

Dark Knight Rises Bane

It’s a tie between those two.

3) Butter or no butter on your popcorn? NO BUTTER! Butter is too greasy for me. I love white cheddar seasoning on my popcorn, though. LOTS of white cheddar.

4) What was the scariest movie you’ve ever watched? House at the End of the Street. I am not a horror movie person, never have been. However, Jennifer Lawrence was in it, and my friend took me for free (I can never turn down a free movie!), so I went. Call me a wimp, but I was absolutely terrified. I spent most of the movie with my fingers halfway shoved into my ears. I hate suspense scenes where there’s no music, but you know something’s going to pop out and scream, but you don’t know when…Yeah. Needless to say, for about a month after seeing it, I didn’t like walking around the house at night by myself.

5) Are you fluent in more than one language? Nope. I hope to take some kind of foreign language class in a year or two, but right now, I only know a few phrases in Spanish and something like two words in French and Latin.

6) How often do you change your desktop background on your computer? Every day? Never? Usually about once a month. If I edit a picture and really like it, I’ll set it as my DTBG, but I only get around to that occasionally.

7) Is there snow outside where you live? Yes! It just snowed again this morning and now we have between 6-10 inches of snow. YAY SNOW.

8) Do you have a favorite Youtuber? If so, who? I don’t have an ultimate favorite, but I do like Lindsey Stirling’s channel. Because she’s awesome. *shamelessly promoting*

9) Who was your favorite author as a child (“child” meaning 10 and under)? Andrew Clements. I read his entire oeuvre when I was between the ages of 7 and 10.

10) How is the view from your bedroom window? It’s okay. I can see the road and the driveway (which means I can spot intruders very easily; if I stand very still by the wall I can see everything and nobody can see me…*evil laugh*), but mainly I just see the woods that are in front of our house. So…yeah!

Oh, joy. Now I need to come up with more questions.

1) What is the hands-down worst movie you’ve ever seen?

2) What is your opinion of Will Ferrell?

3) Pepsi or Coke?

4) When writing, do you enjoy torturing your characters or do you like them too much to do so?

5) If you could play any one instrument well, which would you pick?

6) Which character, from any book, are you hopelessly in love with?

7) What is your least favorite word in the English dictionary?

8) Algebra or geometry?

9) Do you like reading “the classics?”

10) What is your opinion of Valentine’s Day? Do you love it or hate it?

Oh, yeah. It’s Valentine’s Day. Okay, happy Valentine’s Day. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the holiday. It seems…saccharine. Also, I majorly dislike the color pink. But I don’t hate it.

So…yeah! Good-bye until we meet again…

So here’s another award, this time hailing from Coffee’s awesome blog. She said anybody who wanted the award could have it, and I like awards, because they force me to post but they do all the work for me. (Really, they give you questions and you answer. That’s a pretty dang easy post.)

This award remains unnamed (…I think it might be the Shine On award?), and also has no picture (YESSSSSS HALLELUJAH.) It does have questions. :)


1) What was the last book you read? Was it any good? How many stars would you give it, out of 100? I just finished reading The Help. IT WAS AHAMAZING. Very long, but extremely addictive. It was “one of those books” that you physically cannot put down because of its awesomeness. 10 out of 10 stars, definitely. (Also, this is yet another book on my 2013 reading challenge list! So, that’s nice, too.)

2) WHAT ABOUT MOVIES? I love movies. TELL ME YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE. I love movies, too! In fact, I love them so much that I can’t choose a favorite. The Amazing Spiderman. The Avengers. The Dark Knight Rises. Inception. The Hunger Games. (If you haven’t noticed, I love love love superheroes.) Oh, and we can’t forget the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

3) Are you geeky by nature? Yeeeeeessssss. I’m definitely a computer geek. And a book geek. And a movie geek. All of that geekiness has grown over time, but I believe I was just sort of born with a ninja-geeky nature. Yup.

4) Who is your favorite character, from any book/TV show/movie? Why? Ah, poop. There are just too many. Katniss from The Hunger Games is one of the contenders (yes, I know she’s everybody’s favorite character, but for a reason. She’s AWESOME and KICK-BUTT and AWESOME.). So is Hermione from Harry Potter (She’s a book nerd. Of course I like her!) I also like the Black Widow from The Avengers. (Only the movie–I’ve never read the comics.)

5) Who’s your role model? Why? I don’t really have one. All amazing, inspiring people, I suppose. Like Jean Valjean.

6) Which is better: books, TV shows, movies, or music? They’re all so wonderful, except for TV shows [because those are stupid]. We can rule out movies because, while movies are epic, books and music win. Let’s call it a tie.

7) Do you have any (quirky or normal) daily/weekly rituals? Nope. Despite my overall quirkiness, I don’t have any rituals that are particularly crazy. I brush my teeth every night. Does that count?

8) What was the last thing you wrote (besides this post/comment)? Probably an essay about photography for school. Boring, I know, but true.

9) Do you believe in Soul Mates and One True Loves and junk? Not really. I mean, if you’re called to be married, there’s somebody out there who is probably perfect for you, but the whole soul-mate thing just seems stupid to me. Your soul mate could be RIGHT THERE and you might not even notice because you’re so caught up with the idea of finding your soul mate…anyways, yeah. No soul mates for me.

10) WHO IS YOUR OTP AND WHY? Avry/Kerrick from the Healer series. Or Ismae/Gavriel from Grave Mercy. I can’t choose. (Yes, I’m very indecisive when there are so many good choices. DEAL WITH IT.) If we’re talking real life and not fandom-ness, then my answer is NO ONE. I AM ALL ALOOOOOOONE.

Oh, yay! Nomination time!

Well, I’ve decided to do what Coffee did. So, if you’re reading this and want to receive this award, consider it given to you. There. Ta-dah. You just got an award! Congratulotions! (That was not a typo, actually. If you got that little quote, then you’re officially my friend.)

And now I get to write questions for y’all!

1) What is your most prized possession?

2) Which genre of music is your favorite to listen to?

3) Who is your least favorite character in a book/movie/what have you?

4) Coffee or cappuccino?

5) What’s your favorite accent to listen to? (i.e. British, Southern…)

6) What’s your favorite movie adaptation of a book?

7) Google or Yahoo?

8) Who is your book/movie/TV show character crush?

9) What is your opinion of horror movies?

10) What is your favorite quote?

Post away.


Look! It's so shiny and NEW!

It’s so shiny and NEW!

So, there’s this thing which is a quiz which you take which tells you everything you need to know about yourself. Also, the logo thingy is so cool. I love how it combines iconic letters/typefaces. So clever. :)

Well, it only tells you what you’d be/where you’d be in different fandoms. It’s kind of epic, and I was so excited about this nerdy awesome thing that I wanted to post about it. So, I’m just going to go through everything and express my opinions of WHO I AM.

Harry Potter: Well, this is cool, because for obvious reasons Gryffindor is pretty epic. Actually, Gryffindor is really epic. To be truthful, though, I was hoping for Ravenclaw, because I just like Ravenclaw. However, I like Gryffindor, too.

Hunger Games: So this means I’m starving and struggling to stay alive? It could also mean I’m a good archer. I wouldn’t mind that. :)

Twilight: I’M NOT A VAMPIRE! HALLELUJAH! But if you ask me, Bella is just as bad as any vampire (except she doesn’t sparkle, which is definitely a plus). In any case, I’m so glad I’m not distantly related to Edward. *breathes a heavy sigh of relief*

Lord of the Rings: Ah, poop. Well, after seeing other people’s results, I guess that being man isn’t rare at all. I still would have liked to be an elf…which I also realized isn’t a rare thing at all. (Not that I thought it was rare. I mean, elves are just epic! Who wouldn’t want to be one?!)

Star Wars: YESSSSSS. Jedi, I am. Makes me happy, this does. So pleased, am I. Lightsaber ninja, I am. Er. Jeez, they could have mentioned that talking like Yoda is a hazard of the job. Worse things, there are. Ahem.

Divergent: YES I get to jump off buildings and trains and just…*happiness*

His Dark Materials: I don’t know this fandom.

Mortal Instruments: I don’t know this fandom. (Though if the werewolves here are anything like the werewolves in Twilight…oh crap.)

Percy Jackson: This just makes me so happy. It would have been kind of cool for them to tell you what cabin you’d be in at Camp Half-Blood, too, but I’m content knowing that I would be at Camp Half-Blood. (Hopefully in Athena…or maybe Zeus…but mainly Athena…For some reason, I just like smart people. Like the peeps in Ravenclaw and in Athena’s cabin.)

Chronicles of Narnia: This is good, I suppose. There’s really nothing else I could be (except for human; that’d be okay too), so…yeah.

Game of Thrones: I don’t know this fandom.

Dr. Who: I don’t know this fandom, but I’m assuming this is good…maybe?

Delirium: I would be a little bit concerned if anybody was classified as cured. That would just be…disturbing. So I’m glad I’m not (I don’t think there was a chance of me being cured, anyway, but it’s just reassuring.)

Star Trek: I don’t know this fandom, but I think Klingons are bad, so that isn’t good. Their name is funny, though. It reminds me of a window cling. You know, like a window cling-on? Klingon? Never mind. Goodness, that was corny. *bonks self with a frying pan*

Battlestar Galactica: I don’t know this fandom. But being human is always pretty good. Usually.

Let me know in the comments what your fandom identity is (or link to your blogs if you posted about it)! I’d love to know! Also, comments make me happy. And happiness is a nice feeling to have, ya know?

See you when I see you! (Which might not be for a while…this is my second post of the day, after all. I’ll…well, I’ll see you when I see you. Like I said.)

So…yeah! (It’s okay if you don’t get this joke-catchphrase-whatever; I only expect a few peeps to recognize it. ;))