I’ve been gone for a while, my little blog lovelies. And for that I am incredibly sorry. Buuuuuuut I’m back in black, at long last. And I have received an award, despite my unseemly absence. Fancy that.

I have received the Shine On Award from Amanda at Imagination Expedition. THANK YOU, AMANDA.

And look! There are rules!

  1. Display the award on your blog. Look down, look down, you’re here until you die.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you. Been there, done that.
  3. State 7 things about yourself. I’ll get to that.
  4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and link to them. I don’t like enough people to nominate 15. I’m kidding, I like 15 people. They just don’t all have blogs.



And now I get to tell you the seven things I like about you about myself. (Side note: My sincerest apologies for quoting Miley Cyrus. I’m…I’m very ashamed.)

  1. I currently have 21 pictures of Hugh Jackman saved on my computer. I expect that number to increase substantially in the near future.
  2. I do not have much sympathy for my characters. I make them SUFFER. And I heartily enjoy doing so. (My mind and sanity are both perfectly sound, I assure you. Well…perhaps not my sanity. But my mind, yes.)
  3. I like pretending I’m a writer, but I haven’t written in any of my WIPs for a very, very long while. But not for lack of trying! I just get…distracted. By stuff.
  4. I like Ursula more than Ariel. (Let’s be serious, she gets the best song while Ariel just mopes around.)
  5. I love Converse All Stars. I mean, look at them! They’re so beautiful!
  6. Some days I have OCD tendencies. Some days I have ADHD tendencies. And other days…I have both. Those days are especially crazy.
  7. Although I definitely have my Agnes moments, I identify most with Edith from Despicable Me. You know…

Yeah, that one.

Wow, look, I’m done already! That was actually pretty painless. So, great. Now I need to nominate people.

I’m going to go the lazy route (which most people have been doing these days…). Here’s the deal: If you want this shiny little Shine On Award, then go ahead! Make your choice! All you have to do is follow the rules. Simple enough, right?

Also, if you hadn’t noticed already…I included some quotes in this here post. From movies, from songs, from shows, yeah. A few of them are mildly changed in order to fit my purposes, but they are still recognizable. I dare you to guess as many as you can in the comments below–here it comes–without using Google. Yeah, I had to include something that vaguely reminisces of fun in this post. (I did sort of cheat, as I already named one of the quotes, but that was Miley Cyrus, so it doesn’t count. But still…it’s my blog and I’ll cheat if I want to. :))

Now, I won’t promise that I’m back for good. I don’t even know what my next post will be. Right now, I’m just feeling like

Despicable Me_ballet



Sans the rain, though. Thank goodness.

Sans the rain, though. Thank goodness.

…so I’m going to leave y’all.

I’LL BE BACK! Sometime.


  1. In a Despicable Me mood, are we?

    I saw an AC/DC quote, a Les Mis quote, and of course the Miley Cyrus one, since you gave the answer. I am probably missing one, but oh well…

  2. cait says:

    I see the “Go ahead! Make your choice!” from the Little Mermaid. Very nice. ;) I’m with you on Urusla. I mean, come on, she had body language, yaay (you totally have to think that in her voice or it misses half the impact).

    • Andrea says:

      Yes, you got that one! I like the character of Ursula so much. She’s one of my favorite Disney villains (most of that is because, again, Poor Unfortunate Souls is the best villain song ever.).

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