Fresh Ink

Posted: December 2, 2012 in Uncategorized
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Well, hello there, world!

Welcome to The Pen and the Sword, in which I talk about the joys and struggles of writing. And life, love, the pursuit of happiness, et cetera, et cetera.

I’ve always wanted a blog. Ever since I was a wee little child, I was obsessed with the idea of an online journal, a place to rant and rave to slightly interested followers. It was my eternal dream, the one desire of my life, a never-ending hope.

Actually, no, it wasn’t. When I was a little child, I was obsessed with playing kitchen and throwing my dolls around the room. But still, starting a blog seemed like a fun pursuit. So here I am.

I can’t tell you exactly what each post of mine will be about. I intend to make this blog primarily about writing, though I will likely stray into categories such as photography, movies, books I’ve read, and life. As for how often I will post…I would like to post weekly, but I’m not sure if that will happen. Stay tuned!

In conclusion, thanks for stopping by! Stick around if you’d like daily (ahem, weekly) doses of writing, humor, and my own bold opinions.

Have a nice day! (There, that was a good way to end a post, right? Wishing the readers a delightful day? That will seem likable? Oh, whatever…Have a day!)

  1. YAY! You started a blog!!!! :D Good for you.

    The name of your blog reminds me of Percy Jackson!

  2. Erin says:

    ~Your blog name reminds me of Percy Jackson.

    ~You should have ended the post with “So…yeah!”

    ~Your theme is cool.

    ~The amount of insanity that is contained in your body leaves me quaking in my slippers.

    ~And finally: welcome to the blogosphere! Concessions are on the left. My blog’s on the right. And the exit has officially disappeared from sight (like my rhyme? Huh, HUH?!).

    Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out.


  3. andiphoenix says:

    ~Why, thank you! (both Erin and Amanda)

    ~What’s the Percy Jackson connection? I knew I should have finished reading that series…:P OH WAIT I REMEMBER! It’s the pen that turns into a sword! Yeah, I remember that! Now I see the connection…Ah, well. I still like my blog name, Percy Jackson correlation or no. :)

    ~Whoops. I think I may have to go edit the post now and stick that in there…

    ~Thanks! (Well, actually, thanks Forge Web Creations. Cuz they designed the theme.) I love it, too!



    See you around the blogverse/blogosphere/whatever the official name for this whimsy delight is!


    • Erin says:

      I was worried there for a moment that you wouldn’t get the PJ connection…I would have had to come after you with a club and jogged your memory.

      You should totally end your posts with: So…yeah! Even though no one would understand why…except the gang, that is! Gosh…that makes us sound like a really evil bunch of ninjas. Cool.

      May the odds be ever in your blogging favor.


  4. andiphoenix says:


    Well, I don’t know…I think I’d rather reserve that phrase for gang-usage only, perhaps. :)


  5. Gah! Love the PJ connections Erin!

    Oh come on Andrea, it would be awesome if you said so…yeah on your blog! Erin does it.

    By the way, I love your theme. :)

    Oh goodness, that coffee is making me feel unsually close to the wild. :D So…yeah!

  6. andiphoenix says:

    Yes, Erin does say “So…yeah!” on her blog, but I’m not sure I want to on mine. :P

    Thanks! So do I!

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